Get validator effectiveness
This endpoint returns all the useful information you will ever need on the historical performance of a single validator index. Use this endpoint to retrieve top level metrics on proposer effectiveness, attester effectiveness and overall effectiveness of a validator index or pubkey.
Available options:
, holesky
Path Parameters
Required range:
x > 0
Query Parameters
The number of results returned per page
The number of results to skip before starting to return
End date
Start date
Start day
Required range:
x > 0
End day
Required range:
x > 0
Returns results based on UTC days (true) or ETH chain days (false)
The filter you want results to be sorted by
The sort order for the results
Available options:
, desc
The size of time increments you are looking to query
Available options:
, day
, week
, month
, quarter
, year
, all