Get attestation duties metrics for group of validators
This endpoint returns drilldowns on performance metrics around attestation duties for validators. You can use this endpoint to either aggregate data per validator across a time window or aggregate data for multiple validators per time period.
Available options:
, holesky
Query Parameters
The number of results returned per page
The number of results to skip before starting to return
End date
Start date
Start day
Required range:
x > 0
End day
Required range:
x > 0
Returns results based on UTC days (true) or ETH chain days (false)
A list of validator pubkeys you want to filter by
A list of validator indices you want to filter by
The filter you want results to be sorted by
The sort order for the results
Available options:
, desc
Available options:
, day
, week
, month
, quarter
, year
, all
Available options:
, validator