Gini coefficient measurement
This page details the approach Rated uses in computing this metric for the Solana network.
Interpreting the Gini
A Gini coefficient of 0 reflects perfect equality, where all income or wealth values are the same, while a Gini coefficient of 1 (or 100%) reflects maximal inequality among values.
Gini calculation
We first take the stake weight of each of the validators on the latest day and rank in descending order accordingly. We then use the 1-2B formula for measuring Gini, where B is the area under the Lorenz curve such that:
The shape of a Lorenz Curve.
Function Components
is the area of the rectangular horizontal slice under the Lorenz curve
is the area of the triangle on the left of the rectangular slice
is the sum of all the slices
normalizes the x axis to the range 0 to 1
normalizes the y axis to the range 0 to 1