Glossary of terms found under /network
The count of active delegators in the network.
The difference between the current number of active delegators and from the last time period based on the time window.
The count of active validators in the network.
The difference between the current number of active validators and from the last time period based on the time window.
The amount of stake delegated by an average delegator.
The average number of validators a delegator has delegated their stake to.
The network aggregate rate being paid by delegators on the rewards they earn to their delegate validators based on latter’s stake weight.
The annual percentage rate (APR) apportioned to Bor proposal rewards.
The ratio of rewards attributable to Bor block proposals.
The aggregate annual percentage rate (APR) of delegators in the network. For more information, see here.
The annual percentage rate (APR) apportioned to Heimdall checkpoint rewards, both signing and proposals.
The ratio of rewards attributable to Heimdall checkpoint duties, both signing and proposals.
The aggregate annual percentage rate (APR) of all validators after distributing rewards to their delegators. For more information, see here.
The percentage of Bor proposal duties across all validators that were successful.
The percentage of checkpoint proposal duties across all validators that were successful.
The percentage of checkpoint signing duties across all validators that were successful.
The aggregate effectiveness over the requested time period. Read more about the methodology here.
The transaction priority fees received by validators from proposing blocks on the Bor chain.
The rewards from checkpoint proposals.
The rewards from signing checkpoints
The total amount of delegated stake in the network.
The total amount of stake that is staked by validators themselves.
The total amount of stake in the network.
The aggregate annual percentage rate (APR) of all validators before distributing rewards to their delegators. For more information, see here.