Rated API utilizes standard HTTP response codes to communicate the outcome of an API request. It is essential to note that:

  • Response codes in the 2xx range signify successful execution of the request.
  • Response codes in the 4xx range indicate a client-side error, arising from insufficient or incorrect information provided (e.g., missing required parameters, invalid values types, etc.).
  • Response codes in the 5xx range signify a server-side error, indicative of an issue with Rated’s servers. These are uncommon.
HTTP CodeDescription
200 OkEverything worked as expected.
400 Bad RequestThe request was unacceptable, often due to a missing required parameter or an invalid value type.
401 UnauthorizedNo valid bearer token provided.
403 ForbiddenThe bearer token doesn’t have permissions to perform the request.
404 Not FoundThe requested resource doesn’t exist.
429 Too Many RequestsThe number of requests to the Rated API is too high. Back-off and try again later.
500, 502, 503 Server ErrorsSomething failed on our servers.