Get validator performance
This endpoint returns all the useful information you need on the historical performance of a single validator. Use this endpoint to retrieve top level metrics on block leader/proposal effectiveness, voting effectiveness, and overall effectiveness of a validator.
You can query this endpoint by using the vote_account
address of a validator as the validator_id
. The granularity of results can either be daily or around 20 minute intervals (3,000 slots).
Earliest data available is from April 1, 2024.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
The number of results returned per page
The number of results to skip before starting to return
End date
Start date
End slot multiple of 3k
Required range:
x > 0
Start slot multiple of 3k
Required range:
x > 0
UTC day or slot multiple of 3k
UTC day or 3k block interval
Available options:
, day