Network Overview

A series of metrics that attempt to capture the current state of the network at the highest level.

Data freshness: The 1d view refreshes every 3,000 slots (~25 minutes). The rest of the views refresh on a daily basis.

Network Health Metrics

Network Effectiveness

An aggregation of effectiveness ratings of all validators across the network.

Vote Success Rate

The number of correctly blocks voted on by a validator out of the total canonical blocks in the network.

Voting Latency

The network’s average slot distance between where vote transactions were included and the slots they were actually voting for.

Missed Blocks

The number of block production opportunities missed by the network. This is also commonly referred to as “skip rate.”

Reward Reference Rates

Network APY

The rate of return that the average validator has earned in the time period toggled before rewards are distributed to delegators. In other words, this considers all the rewards that validators and delegators receive. On the 1d time period, the APY takes into account the rewards received for the last 3 days to smooth out the noise given Solana's staking rewards schedule, which is every epoch (~2 days).

Delegator APY

This is the annual percentage yield earned by an average delegator, net of commissions. On the 1d time period, the APY takes into account the rewards received for the last 3 days to smooth out the noise given Solana's staking rewards schedule, which is every epoch (~2 days). For more information, please refer to our documentation Annual Percentage Yield (APY).

Net Validator APY

The rate of return that the average validator has earned in the time period toggled after rewards are distributed to delegators. On the 1d time period, the APY takes into account the rewards received for the last 3 days to smooth out the noise given Solana's staking rewards schedule, which is every epoch (~2 days).

Rewards Distribution

This shows the distribution between voting rewards, block production fees (base fees and priority fees), and MEV rewards.

State of Network State

Total Amount Staked

Total amount of SOL staked in the network.

Active Validators

The number of active validators in the network.

Active Stake Accounts

The number of stake accounts in the network.

Gini Coefficient

A measure of inequality across the validators in the network based on stake allocation. Learn more about the methodology that powers this metric via the Gini coefficient measurement page

Infrastructure Overview

Geo Distribution

The global map shows the geographical distribution of stake across the network.

Host Distribution

This chart shows the distribution of stake across the network based on the validator infrastructure hosting providers.

Client Distribution

The distribution of Solana client software implementations being run by validators in the network.

Client Version

This chart shows the distribution of stake across the network based on the version of the clients being run by validators.

Last updated