At a glance

Definitions of the variables that appear on the horizontal bar at the top of the entity level pages of the Rated Explorer.

The "At a glance" section of the Fireblocks (Pool) on the Rated Explorer

Number of validators

The number of validators that map back to any given entity that is in focus at the time. To learn more about how we aggregate those, please visit Classes of aggregation.

Network penetration

This is the percentage distribution of stake that maps under any given pool.

We calculate this as:

Network penetration=active stake in poolactive stake on the Ethereum Beacon Chain\text{Network penetration} = \frac{\text{active stake in pool}}{\text{active stake on the Ethereum Beacon Chain}}

Where “active stake” means the sum of 32 ETH increment balances that map to any given pool.

In order for a validator to become “active” on the network, it needs to (i) be funded with a balance of 32 ETH, and to (ii) get past the activation queue stage. Any balance that any single validator earns above 32 ETH does not count towards active stake.

Backward looking APR%

Please refer to the APR% section of the documentation for a deep dive into how we compute this metric.

Effectiveness Rating

The Rated model of validator performance. The colour coding in each of those values hints to the relative performance of the entity.

For more information on how this is computed and the methodology behind it, please refer to the Rated Effectiveness Rating page. You can also learn more about how we rank for relative performance via Rating percentiles.

Effectiveness breakdown

Definitions of the variables that appear on the Effectiveness Breakdown section of the entity level pages of the Rated Network Explorer.

The "Effectiveness breakdown" section of Fireblocks (Pool) on the Rated Explorer

Participation Rate

The number of epochs a validator’s attestation was included on-chain divided by the number of epochs that validator is active, aggregated across all validator indices associated with a given operator address.

Inclusion Delay

The average of the distance between the slot a validator’s attestation is expected by the network and the slot the attestation is actually included on-chain, across all validators associated with an operator address.


The average between Target and Header accuracy. Learn more by diving deeper into the Rated Effectiveness Rating section of the documentation.

Effectiveness Rating

The Rated model of validator performance.

For more information on how this is computed and the methodology behind it, please refer to the Rated Effectiveness Rating page.

Performance, Execution layer, Consensus layer and Aggregate Rewards Metrics for Fireblocks (Pool) on Rated Explorer

Performance metrics

Definitions of variables that appear in “Performance metrics” section of the Entity views.

Source vote accuracy

The amount of epochs a valid vote for the source checkpoint was included in the attestation divided by the number of epochs a validator index has been active, averaged across the sum of validators associated with said operator address.

Target vote accuracy

The amount of epochs a valid vote for the target checkpoint was included in the attestation divided by the number of epochs a validator index has been active, averaged across the sum of validators associated with said operator address.

Head vote accuracy

The amount of epochs a valid vote for the head of the chain was included in the attestation divided by the number of epochs a validator index has been active, averaged across the sum of validators associated with said operator address.

Proposal Miss Rate

The average of Failed Block Proposals divided by Proposal Slots Attributed across the sum of the validator indices associated with said operator address.

Consensus layer metrics

Definitions of variables that appear in “Consensus layer metrics” section of the Entity views.

Consensus rewards earned

The sum of the net rewards earned by said validator or group of validators by performing consensus layer duties.

Total penalties accrued

The sum of offline penalties accrued on all the validator indices associated with said entity, adjusted for the Rating Time Window toggled. For more information on how we model penalties, see Penalties computation.

Times slashed

The sum of slashed validator indices associated with said operator address.

Consensus client distribution

This is the percentage distribution of consensus clients said operator or entity is running across the body of validator indices that it operates.

In order to produce client distribution statistics for validator keys and across entities we are using blockprint, an open source client classifier. Please note that the results that blockprint produces have a relatively wide statistical confidence interval.

Execution layer metrics

Definitions of variables that appear in “Execution layer metrics” section of the Entity views.

Priority fees earned

The sum of priority fees that said entity (i.e. grouping of validators) has earned through proposing blocks, over the time-frame in question. For a more in depth discussion of how priority fees (aka tips) are computed, please refer to

Baseline MEV collected

Rated’s estimation of the lower bound MEV of said entity has collected through proposing blocks, over the time-frame in question. See Baseline MEV computation for a detailed discussion of the methodology Rated is using to surface baseline MEV.

Block rewards missed

The total value that said entity has forgone by failing to propose blocks in slots that its validators were awarded block proposal duties. Dive deeper into how we calculate the value of a missed block via Execution missed rewards computation.

Relays Supported

Since The Merge, validators have the ability to outsource block production to specialized entities called “Builders”, and effectively “shop” for pre-packaged blocks through an interface agent called the “Relay”. The Block Space Distribution column on the Explorer displays the distribution of blocks as it relates to the origin of those blocks. The explorer currently segregates between the different Relays blocks were procured from, as well as blocks that were built locally (showing in the distribution bars as “vanilla blocks”).

We source this data directly from the public Relay Data APIs. Dive deeper via Relays.

Aggregate rewards statistics

Definitions of variables that appear in the “Aggregate rewards statistics” section of the Entity views.

Proposed blocks

The number of blocks the Entity in focus has proposed in the toggled time period.

To quickly compute how many blocks the entity missed, you can divide Proposed blocks by the entity’s Proposal miss rate.

Total rewards earned

The sum of Execution Layer and Consensus Layer rewards an entity has earned over the selected time-frame.

Total rewards missed

The sum of Execution Layer and Consensus Layer rewards an entity has missed over the selected time-frame. This is a measure of opportunity cost that we go to great lengths to compute.

You can dive deeper into the methodologies that power Total rewards missed by visiting Validator missed rewards computation.

Backward looking APR%

Please refer to the APR% section of the documentation for a deep dive into how we compute this metric.

Activations and Withdrawals status

This particular section of the page comes in two flavours. On all toggles except for the 1d view, the page shows historical statistics relating to the validators said entity has activated or exited.

The Activations and Withdrawals status screens on the 7d, 30d and All-time toggles.

However, when toggling 1d, the frame of reference changes to the “spot” view. This means that at any given point in time, this view will give you information on the current state of activations and withdrawals as of the last discrete hour mark.

The Activations and Withdrawals status screens on the 1d toggle.