Summary Statistics

In this section, we go over the definitions of the all time counters one might find sitting atop the Slashings page. Collectively, they provide a high level understanding of the state of slashings on Ethereum.

The all time "Summary Statistics" of the Slashings page on the Rated Explorer.

Validator Keys Slashed

A cumulative count of validator keys that have been slashed on the network, indicating the total number of penalties for validator misbehaviour since the Beacon Chain’s inception.

Discrete Slashing Events

The total number of days in which slashing incidents have been recorded.

Max Keys Slashed in Incident

The highest number of validator keys slashed in a single incident, showcasing the severity of a particular slashing event.

Slashing Penalty

The sum of the current slashing penalty and estimated offline penalties until a slashed validator is exited, indicating the financial repercussions for a validator’s misbehaviour.

Slashing Metrics and Slashings Over Time

Summary of slashings in relation to slots, ETH lost in slashing over rewards generated, ETH staked on the left and solos vs professional operators, and slashings over time grouped by month on the right.

Slashing Metrics

A summary of various metrics related to slashing events including:

  • Blocks with Slashings over All Blocks: The ratio of blocks containing slashing events to the total number of blocks, showing the prevalence of slashing incidents.

  • ETH Slashed over Rewards Generated: The ratio of total ETH slashed to rewards generated, indicating the financial impact of slashing relative to network incentives.

  • ETH Slashed over ETH Staked: The ratio of total ETH slashed to total ETH staked, indicating the financial risk associated with staking.

  • Solos vs. Pros Slashings: The ratio of slashing incidents between solo validators and validators ran by professional node operators, shedding light on the relative risk profiles of different types of validators.

Slashings over time

The number of slashing events recorded per month, providing a time-based analysis of slashing incidents.

Cohort Analysis

A cohort analysis showing the frequency of slashing incidents for validators, grouped by different operator sizes, from solo to professional operators with more than 5,000 keys. The cohorts are mapped against different time periods ranging from 6 months to all time.

Cohort analysis of different cohorts (solo to big professional operators) across different time periods

The heat map represents the frequency of slashing events for solo stakers and professional operators. It varies in color from green to red; green indicates a lower number of times slashed, while darker colors like orange and red indicate a higher frequency of slashing events. The numbers within the heatmap cells represent the actual count of times the keys were slashed per cohort, providing a visual representation of slashing frequency across different operator cohorts.

Leaderboard by Slashing history

A collection of trending operators in terms of how many times they have been slashed or how many times they produced a block with a slashing proof included. The frame of view is all-time slashings to make the analysis comprehensive as slashings are not a frequent phenomenon on the Beacon Chain.

The slashing leaderboard view on the slashings page

Median slash time

This is the subtitle to the slashing counter under “Top operators by times slashed” and represents the median time at which an entity was slashed. The purpose of this is to show how recently or not recently the majority of those incidents took place, which offers a proxy for how each operator has performed since.

Slasher pedigree

This is the subtitle to the slashing counter under “Top operators slashes reported” and is a direct reference to how @eth2REKT attributes titles to the top slashers by slashing proofs included.

Every time a validator slashes another, eth2REKT adds a +1 on the lifetime count of slashes executed to the entity associated with said validator. For more information on how Rated approaches building entities out of validator keys, please refer to .

The following naming conventions apply to the different classes of lifetime slashes executed:

1-5Noob Saibot
11-15Sub Zero
21-30Prince Goro
31-50Shang Tsung
50+Shao Khan