Rated Oracle FAQ
Frequently asked questions on disputes, data types, fees and more.
How do disputes get raised?
In order to raise a dispute head directly to the contract of the Optimistic Oracle onchain. You can raise a dispute permissionlessly by committing a bond equal to what was initially posted by the proposer. Alternatively, UMA created a dApp to create and track disputes, accessible via oracle.uma.xyz.
You can refer to an example of a dispute here.
Who can raise a dispute?
The ROPU allows anyone to raise dispute in a permissionless fashion. Disputing a claim requires to match the original bond that was posted on this claim.
How are disputes resolved?
Disputes on the Optimistic Oracle are resolved by a vote of the UMA token holders, who evaluate the data against a methodology specified in the declared Price Identifier.
What is a Price Identifier?
Price Identifiers describe the methodology to determine the veracity of a given claim made on the Optimistic Oracle. In case of dispute, voters will independently vote on the correctness of the report based on what was written in the Price Identifier.
Any new Price Identifier must be approved through a governance process on the UMA DAO. An example of a Price Identifier used on the Optimistic Oracle can be found here.
How long does the dispute resolution process take?
The entire voting process takes 48 hours in total to complete. A new one starts 48 hours after the previous one completed. Thus, a dispute take between 48 to 96 hours to settle.
What happens if someone spams disputes?
Disputing a claim requires the disputant to post a bond equivalent to the original bond posted by the claimant. If an attacker attempted to disrupt the process by disputing claims systematically, they would be losing their bond each time. A large enough bond value would make this impracticable. Moreover, the attacker's efforts would only delay the resolution of the claim, rather than bring the process to a complete halt.
What kind of data can the ROPU support?
ROPU can bring on chain any data that the RatedAPI can produce and more. Some examples are:
The incremental rewards a set of validators have earned in a predetermined time period (e.g. 24h)
A list of violations of a fee recipient policy on a pre-determined set of validators together with a value of the blocks that violations were observed on.
A global Beacon Chain rewards reference rate.
Metadata on a specific index, or a predetermined set of validator indices, like their historical effectiveness, slashing record, client diversity and much more.
If you want to explore integrating the Rated Oracle, get in touch with @eliasimos
on Telegram, or shoot us a note via hello@rated.network.
What happens if Rated Labs fail to support ROPU over time?
Rated intends to be a going concern and to be operating as a proposer of the ROPU. This is not at all the end state we envision, but rather an interim state that will allow us the necessary surface to experiment with fee models and explore the full extent of the ability of such a mechanism to remain perpetually sustainable.
In this interim state, in the event that Rated fails to fulfil their obligations, a (set of) third party(ies) will be given the necessary tools to produce the required data themselves and take over the proposer role.
What is the fee model implemented?
Rated Labs envisions to charge a fee plus pass on the gas cost required to bring the data on-chain. Several factors will impact the fee, including: (i) whether it is an on-request data report or an on-demand one, (ii) the size of the bond that Rated is expected to post, (iii) the time window that the data concerns, (iv) the complexity of the reported data.
If you want to explore integrating the Rated Oracle, get in touch with @eliasimos
on Telegram, or shoot us a note via hello@rated.network.
Last updated
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